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An Essential Guide to Tools for Your Landscaping Business

Rocket Rentals

Updated: May 31, 2023

If you want your landscaping business to thrive, you’re going to require an extensive tool collection. Whether you’re curious about basic hand tools or are looking for something more complex, find out everything you need to know in this essential guide.


The shovel is your go-to tool for digging up earth, spreading mulch, compost, or gravel, and replanting - you’ll find yourself using it for pretty much everything.


Most landscapers will need at least two different rakes. The first should be a level-headed steel rake for spreading and levelling soil, mulch, compost, and gravel, while the second should be a leaf rake suitable for gathering up leaves, twigs, and other garden debris.


A pair of long-handled pruners will allow you to quickly and easily remove branches up to an inch thick. The perfect tool for pruning trees and large bushes, a set with extendable handles will allow you perform basic pruning with the minimum of fuss.

Lawn mower

A lawn mower will be your most frequently used power tool. You’ll be using this handy item every day, so you’ll want to ensure it’s state of the art.

Leaf blower

Clearing a large lawn of fallen leaves with a rake is inefficient; investing in a leaf blower will save you countless hours when running your landscaping business. A handheld blower is perfect for cleaning leaves and debris from paths, car parks and gardens.


A chainsaw is an essential power tool for cutting the branches of bushes and trees that your hand tools can’t manage. Make sure you get a light model that is easy to use, as you’ll regret buying a heavy and unwieldy model when you’re using it up a ladder.

Hedge trimmer

Essential for keeping your clients’ hedges in pristine condition, a hedge trimmer will help you make short work of your topiary duties. You’ll be using your hedge trimmer for long stretches at a time, and you’ll need to retain close control of it even when you become fatigued, so it’s important to get a light and manoeuvrable model.

Lawn aerator

By aerating a lawn, the soil below the grass will become less compacted, allowing water, oxygen, and nutrients to flow through it more easily. This will help the grass grow to its full potential, making the lawn as attractive as possible. Therefore, a lawn aerator is your ideal power tool.

At Rocket Rentals, we provide the tools to ensure your landscaping visions come to life through our comprehensive plant and tool hire services. From digger hire to cordless drill hire, we have a fantastic selection of products available for use. Contact us today to find out how we can help you.

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